Part three makes a detailed analysis of the primary content of civil joint and several liability. 本文第三部分为连带责任制度基本内容的论述。
In China, the primary legal basis of environmental pollution infringement liability spread among the General Principles of the Civil Law, environmental basic laws and environmental specialized laws. 在我国,环境污染侵权责任的主要法律依据分散于《民法通则》、环境基本法与单行法之中。
The oppression of shareholders is primary legal problem of limited liability company ( or close corporation), and thereby is also directly named as Close Corporation Problem. 股东压制问题是有限责任公司(或者封闭公司)最主要的法律问题,因此,又被直接称为封闭公司问题。
Compulsory Education Finance: Whether the Province Should Hold Primary Liability 义务教育财政:能否以省为主
This article constructs the primary frame of medical risk precaution control system by the consideration of governance, medical institutions, medical personnel, patients, medical liability insurance and so on, and it is put forward several suggestions on how to decline medical risks. 本文通过构建医疗风险防范调控体系的基本框架,从行业管理、医疗机构、医务人员、患者、医疗责任保险等方面进行了简要阐述,并对如何降低医疗风险提出了若干建议。
Regarding to some basic theoretic problems, such as the legal relationship between the middle and primary schools and students, what kind of liability principle should be adopted when the middle and primary schools take the infringement compensation obligation have to be further researched. 对于一些基本的理论问题,如:中小学校与学生之间的法律关系,中小学校承担侵权赔偿责任时采用什么归责原则等有待进一步的展开研究。
Chinese in primary and secondary injuries of the insurance system started late, so far, related research focuses on the principles of tort liability school identification, insurance, responsibility and commitment on insurance costs. 我国在中小学生伤害事故保险制度上的研究起步较晚,到目前为止,相关的研究主要集中在学校侵权责任原则的认定、保险责任范围以及保险费用承担上。
Considering the protection of the primary and secondary students, and strengthen the supervision of the insurance law, the liability insurance litigation should be protected in the right of action. 基于保护受害学生的考虑,提出赋予受害中小学生在责任保险诉讼中的直接诉讼权利,提出加强保险法律监管等措施。
School liability insurance in which primary and secondary schools should assume responsibility for tort damage liability insurance is a form of insurance subject to transfer the risk of schools to compensate, to compensate for loss of primary and secondary injuries. 校方责任保险是以学校对中小学生应当承担的侵权损害责任为保险标的的一种责任保险形式,旨在转移学校赔偿风险,合理补偿中小学生的伤害损失。
This chapter firstly introduces the development of civil liability, we conclude that the primary mark of civil liability regime for transboundary environmental damages is that a series of international civil liability convention in special area were drafted. 该章先介绍了跨界环境民事责任的发展历程,得出跨界环境损害民事责任机制的出现主要以特定领域所签订的民事责任公约为主要标志。
The primary link is the evidence if the lawsuit begins, Distribution of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof have a significant impact on the process of litigation and the rights and interests of the parties, in some sense indicates that the result of the lawsuit. 诉讼开始后的首要环节就是取证,证明责任的分配对诉讼的进程和当事人的权益会产生重大的影响,甚至在某种意义上预示着诉讼结果的好坏。
Subjective act of bad faith or gross negligence punitive damages should be responsible for the primary condition. Product has defects and defective products caused damage to the person or property, which is to assume liability for punitive elements of the objective. 行为人的主观恶意或重大过失是承担惩罚性赔偿的首要条件;产品存在缺陷并且该缺陷产品造成了他人的人身、财产损害,这是承担惩罚性赔偿责任的客观要件。
Overall, the main responsibility includes the company, the relevant fault shareholders and managers, the company as a separate legal entity subject to the statutory primary responsibility, the relevant shareholders and managers should bear not really joint and several liability with the company based on fault. 而责任主体总体上则包括公司、相关过错股东及经营管理者,公司作为独立的法人为法定第一性的责任主体,相关股东及经营管理者基于过错应与公司承担不真正的连带责任。